In April 2014 we started an experimental monitoring of Pinot Gris vineyard spectral properties. Our main objective is to test methods for the estimation of structural and biochemical parameters using spectral vegetation indexes measured on site

We installed these instruments:

  • 16 band spectroradiometer to compute spectral vegetation indexes (e.g. NDVI, PRI, ...)
  • digital camera to track vegetative and fruiting development
  • automatic weather station

Here the images of the last monthes.

winecam Evoluzione

The plot below shows how grapes maturity can be tracked with phenocameras

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The image below represents a NDVI map obtained trough UAV images taken in May 2014.

wine ndvi

WineCam project is developped with Institut Agricole Regional and the Agricultural Departement of the Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta.

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