Shallow Geothermal Potential with Borehole Heat Exchangers (BHEs): Three Case Studies in the Alps, Dušan Rajver , Alessandro Casasso, Pietro Capodaglio, Charles Cartannaz, Charles Maragna, Joerg Prestor and Jernej Jež

Hydrochemical and Isotopic Applications in the Western Aosta Valley (Italy) for Sustainable Groundwater ManagementValley (Italy) for Sustainable Groundwater Management, Barbara Grappein, Manuela Lasagna, Pietro Capodaglio, Chiara Caselle and Domenico Antonio De Luca


Assessment of the groundwater quantitative status in the Aosta Plain (North-West Italy): applicability of the national guidelines defined by ISPRA - Valutazione dello stato quantitativo delle acque sotterranee della piana d’Aosta: applicabilità delle linee guida ISPRA by Gennaro A. Stefania, Michele Bigoni, Chiara Zanotti, Marco Rotiroti, Fulvio Simonetto, Pietro Capodaglio, Letizia Fumagalli, Tullia Bonomi


Results of the workshop on strategies and tools for administrators of the territory of the italian alpine space for the shallow geothermal systems - GRETA Project - Near-surface Geothermal Resources in the Territory of the Alpine Space


Geologia urbana di Aosta - atti del convegno del 26/10/2016 - autori vari

SCALDARSI "AL NATURALE" CON LA GEOTERMIA - Una risposta concreta ai problemi di inquinamento atmosferico by Pietro Capodaglio, "Voci del Parco" N.1.2017, pag 22 http://www.pngp.it/sites/default/files/documenti/Pubblicazioni/voci_01_2017_web.pdf#page=22

Hydrogeological characterization throughout deep geophysical investigations in the Verrès plain (Aosta Valley, north-western Italian Alps) by Pietro Capodaglio, Mario Naldi, Fulvio Simonetto, 2017, "Acque Sotterranee" Vol 6, No 1 (2017)

The GRETA project: the contribution of near-surface geothermal energy for the energetic self-sufficiency of Alpine regions by Alessandro Casasso, Bruno Piga, Rajandrea Sethi, Joerg Prestor, Simona Pestotnik, Magdalena Bottig, Gregor Goetzl, Pietro Zambelli, Valentina D'Alonzo, Roberto Vaccaro, Pietro Capodaglio, Marcela Olmedo, Alessandro Baietto, Charles Maragna, Fabian Böttcher, Kai Zoesseder, 2017, "Acque Sotterranee" Vol 6, No 1 (2017)


Assessment of the chemical status of the alluvial aquifer in the Aosta Plain: an example of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Italy by Marco Rotiroti, Letizia Fumagalli, Gennaro A. Stefania, Maria C. Frigerio, Fulvio Simonetto, Pietro Capodaglio and Tullia Bonomi, 2015, "Geophysical Research Abstracts" Vol. 17, EGU2015-4044, 2015 EGU General Assembly


Groundwater flow modelling of the Aosta plain in northern Italy di Tullia Bonomi, Maria Letizia Fumagalli, Marco Rotiroti, Rodolfo Perego, Fulvio Simonetto, Pietro Capodaglio, 2014, "Engineering Geology for Society and Territory", vol. 3, part V, page 227 - E' disponibile gratuitamente solo l'abstract


Modellazione preliminare del flusso idrico sotterraneo e delle interazioni con le acque superficiali: piana di Aosta/Preliminary groundwater modelling by considering the interaction with superficial water: Aosta plain case (northern Italy) di Tullia Bonomi, Letizia Fumagalli, Valeria Benastini, Marco Rotiroti, Pietro Capodaglio, Fulvio Simonetto, 2013, "Acque Sotterranee, Italian Journal of Groundwater"

Monitoring of GCHP pilot systems in Valle D’Aosta Region: assessment of performance di L.C. Tagliabue, M. Maistrello, U. Puppini, P. Capodaglio, F. Simonetto, M. Fattor, ICCEP


Fabbisogno idrico e gestione delle falde di Pietro Capodaglio - rivista "Environnement - Ambiente e Territorio in Valle d'Aosta", 2005


Suolo, sottosuolo e falda acquifera di Pietro Capodaglio - rivista "Environnement - Ambiente e Territorio in Valle d'Aosta", 2006


Groundwater flow modelling of the Aosta plain in northern Italy

The work describes the construction of a 3D finite difference groundwater flow model of the Aosta plain (northern Italy), both in steady state and in transient solution. The model takes into account the relation between groundwater and the Dora Baltea river, which crosses the valley from west to east. It has been designed to provide the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of the Valle d’Aosta Region (ARPA VdA) with tools able to assess quantitative groundwater management. The studied aquifer system is composed by quaternary gravelly and sandy deposits 80 m thick (western side) and 50 m (eastern side), overlaying silty lacustrine deposits. Locally silty layers separate the unconfined aquifer from a semiconfined aquifer. The mathematical model, implemented with USGS finite-difference code Modflow 2005, consists in 27 layers, 655 columns and 243 rows, with 20x20m cell size.

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