This folder contains the decisional trees developed for every SHARE Pilot Case Study in .jds format. To open jds files you have to download and install on your PC the SESAMO-SHARE software available on the project website available here. If you want to have a preview of the software before installing it, take a look to SESAMO dashboard test page to check the general features of SESAMO by handling some simplified projects. The online seminars will be also useful to know more about MCA approach adopted in the project.

SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional trees_Lech_river
This file corresponds to the decisional tree developed for Lech river Pilot Case Study (user name: iws password: iws).
SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional trees_Var river
This file corresponds to the decisional tree developed for Var river Pilot Case Study (user name: SHARE password: trust).
SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional tree_ARC-ISERE rivers
These files correspond to the decisional tree developed for Arc and Isère rivers Pilot Case Studies (user name: SHARE password: ).
SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional tree_Inn river
This file corresponds to the decisional tree developed for Inn river Pilot Case Study (user name: inn password: inn).
SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional tree_Mur river
This file corresponds to the decisional tree developed for Mur river Pilot Case Study (user name: tug password: tug)
SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional trees_Kokra river
This file corresponds to the decisional trees developed for Kokra river Pilot Case Study (user name: SHARE password: trust).
SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional trees_Dora Baltea
These files correspond to the decisional trees developed for Dora Baltea river Pilot Case Studies (user name: SHARE password: trust).
SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional tree_Chalamy
This file corresponds to the decisional tree developed for Chalamy river Pilot Case Study (user name: SHARE password: trust).
SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional tree_Chisone
This file corresponds to the decisional tree developed for Chisone river Pilot Case Study (user name: SHARE password: trust).
SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional tree_Astico
This file corresponds to the decisional tree developed for Astico river Pilot Case Study (user name: SHARE password: trust).
SHARE Pilot Case Studies decisional tree_Cordon
This file corresponds to the decisional tree developed for Cordon river Pilot Case Study (user name: SHARE password: trust).
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