CASiMiR Model Concept

Riverine ecosystems and their habitats are inherently complex and contain a large number of relationships between biotic and abiotic components.

Habitat models can be an appropriate instrument for studying the ecological functions of these systems. They allow for the qualitative assessment of habitat conditions for the species under consideration, most commonly for indicator species such as fish. Since the late 1990s, the Universität Stuttgart has pioneered the development of fuzzy logic based habitat simulation software, resulting in the creation of the CASiMiR software suite: Fish, Benthos, and Hydropower (JORDE 1996, SCHNEIDER et al. 2001).

CASiMiR Fish (English x86, x64)

Here you can download the base version of the fish habitat simulation program CASiMiR-Fish. The model provides a spatial distribution of habitat suitability for a given indicator species. Required for the simulation are survey data, measured or calculated water surface elavations and habitat requirements either as preference curves or expert based rules (fuzzy-logic). More information can be found in the CASiMiR-Fish Handbook.

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CASiMiR Benthos (English x86, x64)

Here you can download the base version of the benthos habitat simulation program CASiMiR-Benthos. The model provides a frequency distribution of benthic habitat suitability for a given taxa. Required for the simulation are FST-hemisphere measurements and hydraulic preference curves. More information can be found in the CASiMiR-Benthos Handbook.

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CASiMiR Vegetation (English x86)

Here you can download the base version of the floodplain vegetation simulation program CASiMiR-Vegetation. The model simulates the spatial distribution of vegetation types (succession phases) over time. Minimum required for the simulation are survey data, measured or calculated water surface elavations, maximum shear stress topography. More information can be found in the CASiMiR-Vegetation Handbook.

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CASiMiR Hydropower (English x86, x64)

Here you can download the full version of the hydropower plant simulation program CASiMiR-Hydropower. The model calculates the energy production for a given hydropower plant. Required for the simulation are an inflow hydrograph, minimum flow rules, the efficiency curve, and fall head. More information can be found in the CASiMiR-Hydropower Handbook.

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