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The project has the objectives of

  1. highlight the critical aspects of a low carbon energy production technology for domestic heating, making both citizens and local administrators aware of the environmental impacts associated with it;
  2. develop transnational networks to identify common strategies and technological, information and regulatory tools to tackle the problem;
  3. implement the tools developed in the design field in pilot sites in the Alpine region.

Wood biomass covers a large share of heat demand in the Alpine region which can reach 90% for small municipalities in the Alps. It is a renewable and low carbon (low carbon) energy source. However, the combustion of wood biomass, in addition to being often not very efficient, involves critical aspects related to emissions of atmospheric particulates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds.

Project partners: Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (BS), ATMO Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, Communauté de communes Pays du Mont-Blanc, ECONCEPT Agentur fur nachhaltiges Design, FH JOHANNEUM, ARPA Valle d'Aosta, Zavod Energetska agencija za Savinjsko, E-Zavod Project duration: 2018-2021


















Biomass chain knowledge platform output of workpackage 1

Biomass chain knowledge platform is a main output of workpackage 1 (Knowledge building) and is intended to be information base for the development of all other project activities and an awareness raising tool for public and private stakeholders, which will contribute to better linking between the different actors involved in the biomass chain. More aware public and private stakeholders will be better integrated into strategies development, toolbox & platform implementation during project life and beyond.

More in depth, the platform is a comprehensive repository of knowledge composed by six different documents touching all topics related to the biomass chain: from the biomass production, with a special focus on local availability and main market characteristics in project pilot areas, to the biomass burning carbon emissions in domestic heating, with particular regards to their impact on air quality in Alpine regions.

Among these two extremes the platform includes the others fundamentals links of the chain: a booklet on best available technologies (BAT) in domestic heating powered with wood log, wood chips and pellet, and two in-depth surveys on economical/financials instruments and regulations adopted in different regions and countries around the Alpine Space, all of which can be found below.

The last report "Transnational Economic and Ecological Analysis (with the EEA-Tool) of the Regulations and Financial Instruments in the Context of Biomass Burning in the Alpine Region" also provides instrument called EEA-Tool (economic efficiency analyses tool), a specific instrument conceived by BB-CLEAN in order to evaluate, from the transnational point of view, financial instruments and regulations adopted in BB sector in different Alpine Space regions. In this report, stakeholders, who would like to implemet EEA-Tool in different contexts, will have open access to the sceme and to the process for implementing it as well. 

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